Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Eating Hot Vit Lon (Duck fetus): A guide

Called hot vit lon in Vietnamese, duck fetus is considered a delicacy all over Southeast Asia. A lot of people are grossed out by the thought of eating these little guys, as they should be--the fetuses are cooked while they are still alive. Despite the general "ick factor" around the thought of eating a fetus and the cruelty of it all, they are quite delicious! Here's my guide to eating hot vit lon, Viet style:

Step 1: Purchase your hot vit lon from a street vendor, preferably from a local vendor who pushes a cartful of these delicacies around your neighborhood so you don't have to go anywhere other than step outside your door. For 9,500 dong (about 45 cents), I got two eggs.

If cleanliness is a concern, don't even bother eating it. This certainly isn't for the squeamish.

Step 2: Tap the egg from the roundest end with a small spoon.

Step 3: Once you have tapped the top, peel enough of the eggshell off so that you can see the top of the duck fetus. Inside the egg is fetus broth. A fresh egg is one that still has its sweet broth inside. Sip up! I'm told it's good for you.
Step 4: Put a small spoonful of condiments inside. The type of condiment mix depends on your taste. Most people eat it with pepper, salt, and lime. What I have here is a mix of pepper, salt, lime, and chili garlic.
Step 5: And now, enjoy!

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