Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of summer rush

I always get sad toward the end of August. The sun that I've enjoyed watching set around 9pm is slowly creeping into my commute home from work at 7-- which makes the drive home from work all the more beautiful, but a sign that summer is nearing to an end.

And now that it's hitting me that soon I'll have to whip out my scarves and coats, I'm trying to get in as much summer activities as I can. This weekend, a bit saddened by the thought of it all, I dropped everything I had planned to do (catch up on my mountains of work) and went to the beach. And not to just any beach, but a private beach a bit north of Santa Cruz, where the sun was just perfect and the sand pristine. I took this rare opportunity to just relax, catch up with my friends, and sink my feet into the warm sand. As if this picture perfect beach day wasn't picture perfect enough, a group of dolphins swam by.

This summer has been a roller coaster ride. The lows were low and the highs were overwhelmingly and sometimes confusingly high. But hey, with a few tweaks here and there, I still got to travel and explore new places. A few more places I got to sink my feet in, and really, that's what it's all about.

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